Monday 14 March 2011

2012 tips

I know, everyone has a 2012 blog right? Well, maybe ... maybe not.

I am not going to tell you how to survive 2012 as nobody can do that without knowng exactly what will happen in 2012 on December 21st and since no one knows this, no one can possibly know how to survive it.

What I will do is warn you that, with issues such as this one, the cons come out of the woodwork at you. Here are some  things to remember in order to survive and avoid the cons:

1) Don't worry, be happy. Do not let yourself get all bent out of shape over what may or may not happen in 2012. Life is too short as it is to worry about the end of the world. The world will either end or it won't and there is not a damn thing you can do about it anyways so quit worrying.

2) Do NOT fall into the trap of spending money on 'survival solutions' or 'survival garden seeds' or on books that claim to have all the answers for you as long as you have $12.95. If the world really was going to face imminent disaster on a global scale then where are the people selling the book going to spend the money you are sending them? Think about it. There is no need for money after a global catastrophe has wiped out all governments and economies is there?

3) Find a way to generate your own power. This is actually very easy to do. Solar panels can be made easily enough and youtube is full of instructional videos on everything from magnetic generators that require no feul to run to wind mills to homemade solar panels. You name it. Generating power is probably the easiest thing we can do but we cronically leave this to the government or some third party organization to provide for us ... it's nuts really. However, most cities do not want the average resident generating their own power as the governments of the cities have absolutely no control over that power and that makes YOU stronger and more independant as well as cost the power companies profit. AVOID GAS-DRIVEN POWER GENERATORS LIKE THE PLAGUE! Ask yourself where the gas to refill it will come from, no no, solar or wind or even some other sort of generator technolgy that will not require man-made fossil fuels is the absolute best route to go. If you can generate your own power you have already solved the problem of heating your living space and powering most of your electrical appliances which means your freezer, etc will still work.

4) Ensure your food and water supply. This does not mean try to store enough to see you through the hardship while you sit in your armchair eating bon-bons and waiting for the government to switch everything back on. What this does mean is that you have some way to provide for yourself on a recurring and ongoing basis the food and water you and those with you will need. BEWARE OF CHARITY!! As harsh as this sounds the food you give to that poor soul who did not prepare is one less meal for your children. The absolute best way to help your neighbor is to ensure he does not have to help you. Gardens are good, as well as drilling your own well. If you can find someone who will do this for a straight up cash payment then you can actually keep you well a secret (important). Some states are actually taxing private citizens for wells on their property so be cautious.

5) Be prepared to defend it all! In every society there will be those whose survival tactics involve not preparing themselves and simply raiding their neighbors who have prepared. To be honest, this will probably be most people, especially in the major cities. Major cities are simply not suited for long term survival in the absence of infrastructure. Not even the water taps will work in the cities as all the water relay stations use electric pumps. If the electric grid fries, then the cities are going to go very dry. 

The above 5 steps should prepare you for any eventuality or short term or long term crisis as well as cut your monthly food and power bills  and save you money during the times of stability and working infrastructure. If nothing happens on 2012 then you have wasted nothing by following the above 5 steps but if something does happen then you will be well situated to handle it and survive it.

Peace and don't let the government choose your enemies for you.

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