Monday 14 March 2011

Who own's money?

Ever ponder where that $20 dollar bill came from as you are handing it over to the clerk for some small (and getting smaller) piece of merchandise?

We can all come up with the snap answer. The government prints it right? Well, in most countries, this is actually wrong. Take the US for example. The Federal Reserve bank - a privately owned and operated financial institution, prints money and then loans it at interest to the US government who then puts it into circulation. The central banks of Europe are all like this as well and the world bank.

What this means is that the money has debt attached to it before it even gets into circulation. This type of system can only lead to collapse and financial disaster as the ever mounting debt cannot be paid off as everytime you print a 1 dollar bill it actually COSTS you $1.25. Where does the money come from to cover off the extra quarter per dollar? The government BORROWs it from the federal reserve, thus increaseing the debtload with each new dollar created. This debt CANNOT be paid off at all regardless of economic policy as the money is created with debt preattached.

This means that all the money you earn already has debt attached to it before it even gets to your pocket. Why does this matter? Well, who is responsible for national debt? WE ARE!!!!! THE TAXPAYERS ARE!!!!!

How many of you are still under the mistaken assumption that your taxes go to pay off programs for the poor, infrastructure, healthcare, etc.? They don't, in most western countries taxes go towards paying off the interest on the national debt and the national governments borrow money from their respective central banks in order to cover the social programs and infrastructure of a nation. Eventually the debt becomes more than the taxable people of a nationstate can handle and you get a collapse. This is what happened in Greece and Portugal and Ireland and is in the cards for Spain and Italy and Poland and a host of other European countries.

Saving money won't help as the value of each dollar is devalued as the collapse approaches (this is happening in the USA right now) thus wiping out regular savings and most investment funds. This includes your pension plans as they are simply investment accounts like any other.

So, no matter how hard we work or how much we save we will not get any further ahead as the debt load on the naitonstate continues to grow and cannot be reduced under the current central banking system. In other words, the money is NOT yours, never was. It is only LOANED to you and your taxes are the interest you pay on that loan. Even though you earned the money, even though you exchanged sweat and services for the money it is NOT yours it is ONLY a loan.

Where does it end? Slavery

Debt = Slavery and anyone who owes money for a home or a car loan or credit cards is, in essence, a slave as they cannot stop working as they owe WAY too much money and have gotten quite comfortable with that oversized SUV they do not need.

That is the path to our enslavement, money.

You work for it, you earn it, you save it, you spend it but it is NOT your money.

All the central banks in the world as well as the World bank are owned by less than 1% of the population.

We do not have to be slaves to their money

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